Ask for great evaluations in advance! Whenever you deliver seminars or break-out sessions, greet the attendees at the door and shake their hands. Start your presentation by asking the audience what they want and expect from their time with you. What ingredients are needed before they can rate you excellent?


The sultry blonde looked deep into the executive’s eyes, her voice throbbing with emotion. “I know you don’t know me,” she said, “but you must trust me. We don’t have much time. You need to do everything that I tell you. You’re not very experienced, but I’ve been doing this a long time. I am […]


Whenever and whatever you’re pitching, dozens of factors will figure in the final decision of your prospects. All else being equal, you have the edge if you can establish a personal connection. Connect emotionally and intellectually, so they like and trust you more than your competitors. How can you get your prospects to like you? […]


Getting paid to speak by next week: how do you get your first engagements?Then, once you are getting booked how do you get invited back?These were the topics on my event with Darren LaCroix. Do you dream of becoming a professional speaker? Do you want to get paid for your talks? Do you want to […]


This week I am in Washington DC for the Ragan Speechwriters Conference. It is great to associates with people who write for Presidents of the United States and top corporate leaders. One of the other speakers who has me motivated to do more Podcasts is one of my Fripp Associates Ian Griffin. He is […]


The following happened when I was recently in Orlando. It bugged me so much I had to write about it. So there I was, along with Dave, standing in the front of an almost empty meeting room. Dave had heard me speak to a group of managerial accountants in Boston. It went over so well, […]


Collaboration is when two or more small, mobile, intelligent units get together on a project, but still maintain their own identities. More and more corporate American businesses are working this way. Speakers, too, can reap big benefits from temporary or on-going collaborations. WHY COLLABORATE? In both the business and speaking worlds, there are three good […]


Cavett always wanted his money’s worth out of life! His incredible energy never ceased to amaze me. In 1977, I attended my first National Speakers Association convention and was tremendously excited at the prospect of attending Cavett’s weekend seminar with Merlyn Cundiff. Cavett had flown in just a few hours earlier and had been up […]