“Speak to be remembered and repeated.” Isn’t that the goal of every communicator – to be remembered and repeated? This is a key idea I reinforce at every Fripp Speaking School. Actually, this is a key idea every time I have the opportunity to discuss speaking and presentation skills. Yes, it’s easier said than done. […]


Executive speech coach and award-winning  keynote speaker, Patricia Fripp is frequently asked, “What is the best way to engage an audience?” This is the advice she gave an attendee at her San Francisco Speaking School: “The best way to engage an audience is to be prepared, personable, polished, practical, and profound.


A great way to open a talk or presentation is to cite some intriguing statistics that endorse your premise, are out of the ordinary, totally unexpected, or are not well known. This could be something you read in the Wall Street Journal, trade magazines that are unfamiliar to the audience, the annual report, website or […]