Appropriate fees for business executives seeking engagements  I am often asked what fee CEO’s and business executives should charge. Many have expertise, or have run a good business, and would like to gain national media attention and exposure. Recently I was asked, ” Is there a national list or organization that posts that type of […]


Recently I had a conversation with author, speaker and consultant Jeff Davidson. Here are a few tips and guidelines we offer to help your next speech be an even greater success. Fripp’s Top Tips to Win with an Audience Every Time! Have a personal relationship with the company whenever possible. I have been introduced by […]


In Hollywood, it takes hundreds of talented people in front of and behind the camera, all working together to create a great movie. What works in Tinsel Town can also bring big benefits for speakers. I often brainstorm with David Garfinkel, copy-writing genius and budding screenwriter, and John Cantu, the San Francisco comedy legend. John […]


Congratulations! You’ve been chosen (or drafted) to deliver a speech. Don’t panic — Fripp is here! What Do I Talk About? Start by asking yourself three questions: Who is my audience? (What do I know about the corporate culture or collective personality of the group?) What do they want or need to know from me? […]


Emily Kimbell is an older adventurer who bicycled across America and hiked the Appalachian Trail. She asked me how to make her presentations more exciting. “How do you open now?” I asked. “‘As I rode my bike slowly into the campground…’” she replied. She continued giving me her typical presentation until she got to a […]


You have thirty seconds to command the attention of your audience. Don’t waste it! Jim Rohn, the incredible motivational speaker, and I were on a program in Australia together. He said, “An impressive introduction may leave your audience thinking, ‘So what?’ You want them to think ‘Me too!’” You’re helping them to tie into your […]


Every speaker wants to captivate their various audiences. If that is your goal, find and perfect your own stories. Stories create an emotional bond with your audience. We all know stories make a speech, sales presentation, or staff training more interesting.  Some of the best stories for your presentations are those you select from your […]


Show you are “one of the group” by referring to something that is happening right now. One opening to help you immediately connect is to walk out and start with, “I love your theme!” Then tell them why. Or, “This is the perfect time of the year for this meeting.” Naturally, this must segway into […]


The sultry blonde looked deep into the executive’s eyes, her voice throbbing with emotion. “I know you don’t know me,” she said, “but you must trust me. We don’t have much time. You need to do everything that I tell you. You’re not very experienced, but I’ve been doing this a long time. I am […]