As a public speaker and executive speech coach I find there are many parallels between musical performance and public speaking. My question when attendees at my speaking schools tell me, “I am nervous when it comes to public speaking!” is, “Are you nervous because you are inexperienced and do not have a coach, mentor, or class […]


Create Your Keynote by Next Week Receives Rave Reviews By Patricia Fripp and Darren LaCroix Over the last fifteen years Darren and I have met hundred’s of speakers who are not sure what to talk about. We created this program to help all public speakers search their lives for unique and original content. “This program […]


One of my speaker burueaus asked me to answer these questions. In case you ever have to answer these questions yourself perhaps my answers would help you. Key Aspects of a Great Presentation Patricia Fripp Interview Questions & Answers: • What is the message you hope people take away from your presentations? My audiences learn […]


How to Become a Better Public Speaker and Writer In my speaking schools and coaching camps we spend a lot of time getting the attendees to focus on the power of word choices. What helps in speaking also helps in writing. Non specific words such as stuff, thing, tons and bunches drives me crazy. If […]


Power Pitching — Get the Personal Edge By Patricia FrippWhenever and whatever you are pitching, dozens of factors will figure in the final decision of your prospects. All else being equal you have the edge if you can establish a personal connection. You can establish a personal connection when you take this advice. Connect emotionally […]


Confused about hyphens?  I would like to share this article from Ragan Communications on the correct use of hyphens. I have keynoted the Ragan Speechwriters Conference several times and sometimes I have just attended as a participant. All Ragan’s information is helpful, especially in regards to writing. As you strive for excellence in all areas […]


What Do Your Awards from the National Speakers Association Mean? By Patricia Fripp  My executive speech coaching client and meeting planners often ask me “What do your credentials from the National Speakers Association mean?” In case you are interested here is the official answer as advertised by the NSA. As you know, certifications and professional credentials […]