What’s the worst experience you’ve had delivering an important presentation?  Have you forgotten what you meant to say? Realized you should have edited your slides? Or even noticed your audience slipping away?  In this brief video sample from Fripp Virtual Training, I share one executive’s worst presentation experience:


I always say, “There’s no point in going anywhere if people don’t remember you were there.” Being memorable is key to effective networking, persuasive sales conversations, and powerful presentations. You can make yourself more memorable by building emotional connections and using “you-focused” language in all of your communications – and by cultivating your natural charisma. 


Next month, Michael Hauge and I will both present at The Lady & the Champs Speakers’ Conference. Michael is a brilliant Hollywood story consultant, author, screenwriting coach, and speaker.  Good storytelling is at the heart of every successful film. Similarly, storytelling is an essential element of powerful and persuasive presentations. In putting together a talk, […]


What if every time you spoke in public you were powerfully persuasive and a resounding success? Most people realize the advantages of being an excellent speaker, but are unsure of how to get there. Here are ten ways you to guarantee major improvements every time you stand up and speak. If your goal is to […]


Hall of Fame Speaker, in-demand speech coach, and former hairstylist, Patricia Fripp learns a valuable principle from her brother, King Crimson guitarist, Robert Fripp… What Do Cutting Hair And Writing A Speech Have in Common? One day, after I had retired as a hairstylist, I was cutting my brother’s hair, and he said, “Sister, you […]


Have you been invited to participate in a panel discussion? Almost everyone recognizes that a formal presentation requires preparation and rehearsal, but it’s easy to forget that “doing your homework” can ensure your success in any situation requiring you to speak. If you want the audience to understand and appreciate your ideas and information, organize […]


Are you agonizing over an upcoming presentation? Having trouble organizing your thoughts? Whether you are a novice preparing your very first speech, or a skilled presenter trying to develop your insights into a powerful new program, strong structure always underlies a successful presentation. In this short video, my friend and fellow presentation skills expert, Darren […]


I was sitting across the desk from the brilliant president of a $2 billion software company…and I was about to tell him, “Sir, at this point, your speech is getting boring.” This was a problem, because as I often say, “An audience will forgive you for anything except being boring.” Now step back, and let’s […]


Your audience will forgive you for almost anything – except being boring. Long before you ever take the platform, you must design and rehearse your presentation to catch your audience from the first line and keep them enthralled. Elements of a powerful presentation include: a strong opening, clear structure, emotional connection, memorable stories, well-paced delivery, […]


November is National Nonfiction Writing Month, also known as the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge. During this month, you are personally challenged to start and complete a work of nonfiction in 30 days. This can be an article, an essay, a book, a book proposal, a white paper, or a manifesto. It’s an honor to […]