“Great relationships start with great conversations, not one person showing the other how smart he or she is.” I have fond memories of being locked in my executive speech coach studio with a brilliant gentleman helping her turn his good presentation into a business developing masterpiece. He is Andrew Sobel author of “Clients for Life” […]


As a past president of the National Speakers Association, keynote speaker, executive speech coach and sales presentation skills trainer who sells myself on a regular basis I am often asked "how does a consultant get the prospect to say "yes" rather than "No"? . The secret of getting a "yes" for consulting is to ask […]


This was written by my Fripp Associate Ian Griffin who is President of the National Speakers Association of Northern California. Can you believe I founded NSANC in 1980? Have I really been a professional keynote speaker for that long? Yes! I have. Ian is a speech writer for corporate executives and a valuable part of […]


Marketing Options on a Budget Now Is The Time To Promote Your Business For Increased Sales! Patricia Fripp’s secret weapon for printing is TU-VETS. Perhaps they can help you… My Dad always trained me to do business with people in our community, especially with family business people. TU-VETS.COM: Your Best Source for Color Printing EASY […]


Everyone is Situationally Shy All Association meetings and Hospitality Industry events are promoted as the perfect format to make new contacts and develop potential business relationships. I never stop being amazed at how many talented and well-educated people often do not know how to maximize these events. Here are two easy ways you can help […]