Rebecca Linquist helps Eugen Roman, lose his Romanian accent at her Campbell office as reported to Patrick Tehan of the San Jose Mercury News/MCT SAN JOSE, Calif.—Two decades after emigrating from Taiwan, Sean Chang’s accent was a barrier to friendships with Americans. Native English-speakers found it too much work when conversation went beyond small talk, said […]


You’re waiting your turn to make a speech, when suddenly you realize that your stomach is doing strange things and your mind is rapidly going blank. You realize you are probably suffering from the fear of public speaking. How do you handle this critical time period? People ask me this question in all my speaking […]


At a time when every customer counts we must never forget how our customers see us. One single negative contact can ruin your reputation in the eyes of not only that one customer — but everyone he or she knows as well. After all, word of mouth works both for or against you. You need […]


“Speak to be remembered and repeated.” Isn’t that the goal of every communicator – to be remembered and repeated? This is a key idea I reinforce at every Fripp Speaking School. Actually, this is a key idea every time I have the opportunity to discuss speaking and presentation skills. Yes, it’s easier said than done. […]


Executive speech coach and award-winning  keynote speaker, Patricia Fripp is frequently asked, “What is the best way to engage an audience?” This is the advice she gave an attendee at her San Francisco Speaking School: “The best way to engage an audience is to be prepared, personable, polished, practical, and profound.


How to Get Your Op-Ed Published By Pam Lontos While there are many ways to appear in the media, writing an op-ed piece is an excellent way to make yourself known and establish yourself as an authority with the public. Like letters to the editor, op-ed pieces should put forth a point of view – […]


Dear Visitor, I found this blog item especially amusing because one of my favorite speaking engagements was addressing 350 Seventh Day Adventist ministers. The article was written by one of the most prolific writers and brilliant minds I have met, freelance speech writer Hal Gordon. I first met Hal when we were seated next to […]


The following happened when I was recently in Orlando. It bugged me so much I had to write about it. So there I was, along with Dave, standing in the front of an almost empty meeting room. Dave had heard me speak to a group of managerial accountants in Boston. It went over so well, […]