(Your chance to eavesdrop on a conversation between Patricia Fripp and her friend, mergers and acquisitions specialist Mike Sipe.) My friend Michael Sipe is a brilliant mergers and acquisitions specialist. Here’s a great business tip he gave me that you might adapt to your own business. “We were involved in an acquisition search for a […]


From Fripp’s Confessions of an Unashamed Relentless, Self-Promoter audio album and book: Make It! So You Don’t Have to Fake It.  Does your marketing match your image? If you deliver a quality product or service, your marketing materials should reflect this. Your image, reflected by your advertising, should do two things: Convince people you’re worth doing business with. […]


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience or prospect off faster… … than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept… … from Dr. David Palmer, […]


Whenever and whatever you’re pitching, dozens of factors will figure in the final decision of your prospects. All else being equal, you have the edge if you can establish a personal connection. Connect emotionally and intellectually, so they like and trust you more than your competitors. How can you get your prospects to like you? […]


Dear Visitor, It never ceases to amaze me how often people call saying, “Help! Can you FedEx your video on how to give a talk. My speech is next week.” In July 2001, a gentleman inquired about my speech coaching services. He mentioned he was becoming the President of his Trade Association and would be […]


Accent Reduction is a controversial subject. Some people believe that having an accent reflects one’s cultural and ethnic heritage and that by changing it we are being untrue or disrespectful to our ancestors or countries of origin. Accents can also be pleasant to listen to and can add “flair” or “allure” to the individual. Imagine […]


Rebecca Linquist helps Eugen Roman, lose his Romanian accent at her Campbell office as reported to Patrick Tehan of the San Jose Mercury News/MCT SAN JOSE, Calif.—Two decades after emigrating from Taiwan, Sean Chang’s accent was a barrier to friendships with Americans. Native English-speakers found it too much work when conversation went beyond small talk, said […]


Books  Bayan, Richard, Words that Sell, Contemporary Books, 1984 Bedrosian, Margaret, Speak Like a Pro, Wiley, 1987 Carnegie,Dale, The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking, Pocket Books, 1977 Chan-Herur, K.C., Communicating with Customers Around the World, AuMonde International, 1994 Dawson, Roger, The Secrets of Power Persuasion, Prentice Hall, 1992 Holliday, Micki, Secrets of Power Presentations, Career Press, 1999 Klepper, Michael, I’d Rather Die Than Give a Speech!, Irwin […]


How you can attract, retain and extend your relationship with customers. by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE Frippicisms on Sales and Marketing strategy • It is not your client’s job to remember you, it is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t forget you. • The real sale comes after the sale. • Your best customer is the hottest […]