“What is the difference between a good Toastmaster and a professional speaker?”

My answer:
Always remember in the “professional” world you get paid for what you know. You get paid well when you deliver your message superbly. There is no substitute for years of experience. With great professional speakers and trainers they make standing on stage speaking look easy. As Darren LaCroix says “Stage time, stage time.” I would add “stage time” and reflection with good feedback from someone who knows more than you do. One of the biggest leaps forward for me was when I realized “I am receiving my keynote fee and have 6 people in my audience.” These were sales professionals from a client company who wanted to learn what I knew. Professional speakers are “Experts Who Speak” as the National Speakers Association will tell you. It does not matter the size of the audience. It is the quality of the information…well told…and making it look easy.
By the way, you can check out World Champions Edge for $1 for a month. That includes all the benefits including listening to my Celebrity Series.
The Lady and the Champs Speaking Conference is February, 26-27 in Las Vegas at Bally’s.


7. Entrepreneur/Work for yourself
The best way to become wealthy –
honestly, ethically, legally and morally –
is number 7.
The Internet is today’s gold rush,
creating more millionaires and doing so
faster than any other medium in history.

Get Rich Click by Marc Ostrofsky.


One of my favorite speakers is Mark Scharenbroich. First, he is a very nice guy. Second, he is one of the funniest and most creative speakers I have ever seen. Third, he has the ability to take a simple idea and make it profound.


One of the benefits of membership in World Champion’s Edge the public speaking community founded by Darren LaCroix, 2001 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking…is the Edge Forum where the members ask questions of each other, and the faculty, I am the World Champion’s Plus One as I do not share their title!


Montaigne (1533 –1592), a wise and entertaining Frenchman, wrote this as he contemplated the education of children. As we contemplate our education as speakers, let’s follow his advice. The disciplined forms of argument can make us rich, powerful, and persuasive.


After Dinner Speech: Advice from THE Executive Speech Coach East Coast Associate Sims Wyeth that you can pass along. The after dinner speech is a formal speech with one big difference: it should revolve around a humorous illustrative story. A word of caution: establish a serious theme at the outset then illustrate it with a whimsical story. […]


On Tuesday, May 25 at the American Payroll Association’s 28th Congress in Washington DC, my brother Robert Fripp joined me in a session called How to Be a Hero for More Than One Day: Position Yourself for Promotion. As this years theme was Pay Heroes, and Robert played on David Bowie’s Heroes album it was a […]