Where will you be on Friday, October 26? If you are in Philadelphia and are interested in speaking why not join us for the National Speakers Assn meeting? Patricia Fripp THE Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame keynote speaker will share the actual practical steps of how to become a world class speaker. Yes, you […]
Read More...What Do Your Awards from the National Speakers Association Mean?
What Do Your Awards from the National Speakers Association Mean? By Patricia Fripp My executive speech coaching client and meeting planners often ask me “What do your credentials from the National Speakers Association mean?” In case you are interested here is the official answer as advertised by the NSA. As you know, certifications and professional credentials […]
Read More...A Great Acceptance Speech Example from Bruce Phipps
A Great Acceptance Speech Example from Bruce Phipps, American Payroll Association 2011 Man of the Year. Every year I help the American Payroll Association’s Man and Woman of the Year prepare their speech to be delivered at the APA national convention called Congress. The Man and Woman of the Year deliver an eight-minute speech the […]
Read More...Public Speaking: Your Presentation Starts Before You Walk on Stage
Whenever you open your mouth, whether your audience is ten people or a thousand, you naturally want to get a specific message across. Whenever you set out to present, persuade, and propel with the spoken word you want to keep the audience engaged…from the moment you walk on stage or to the front of the […]
Read More...How to Get Greater Results from Your Sales Presentations
Would it be helpful if your prospect remembered what you said?
Would it be beneficial if three weeks later, your prospect could repeat your key ideas?
Would it be profitable if your prospect vividly knew why others selected you as their vendor of choice?
Robert Fripp’s message to Adrian Belew, Tony Levin and Pat Mastaloto on October 18, 2011
This post is really only of interest to Robert Fripp fans! As my readers and Robert Fripp fans may know I have been known to help King Crimson and the California Guitar Trio with introductions to get them onto the stage in style and help the fans with their merchantizing opportunities.
Read More...Why should a CEO pay attention to a screenwriter?
I have attended many screen writing classes for fun. Not because I want to be a screen writer, but rather to give me insights and ideas for helping my executive clients deliver better presentations. After all Hollywood knows how to emotionally connect with their audience in a way most executives do not.
The class I have repeated several times is Robert McKee’s Story. Also the name of his very good book. Here are a couple of questions from a Harvard Business Review article where they interviewed Mr. McKee.
Why should a CEO or a manager pay attention to a screenwriter?
A big part of a CEO’s job is to motivate people to reach certain goals. To do that, he or she must engage their emotions, and the key to their hearts is story. There are two ways to persuade people. The first is by using conventional rhetoric, which is what most executives are trained in. It’s an intellectual process, and in the business world it usually consists of a PowerPoint slide presentation in which you say, “Here is our company’s biggest challenge, and here is what we need to do to prosper.” And you build your case by giving statistics and facts and quotes from authorities. But there are two problems with rhetoric. First, the people you’re talking to have their own set of authorities, statistics, and experiences. While you’re trying to persuade them, they are arguing with you in their heads. Second, if you do succeed in persuading them, you’ve done so only on an intellectual basis. That’s not good enough, because people are not inspired to act by reason alone.
Essentially, a story expresses how and why life changes.
Read More...Every sales presentation is a missed or captured opportunity
Every sales conversation and presentation is a missed or captured opportunity. Which will your next one be?
Read More...Robert Fripp The House Where Music Lives.
For more Robert Fripp wisdom on Heroes and how many types of heroes listen in to a segment from How to Be a Hero for More than One Day.
This was live at the American Payroll Association convention.
Read More...Public Speaking: Are Your Characters Captivating?
Here’s a Frippercize: Count how many characters appear in your speeches. They are what make a Hollywood production–flesh and blood personalities that the audience can relate to.